COVID-19, Ventilation & Purification


Airborne coronavirus differs from ‘normal’ particulate air pollution only in that the health consequences are seen more quickly.  

The methods used to improve indoor air quality also remove virus from the air and improve safety. You can catch COVID-19 directly from others, or from infected surfaces too, but from an airborne viewpoint, measures to remove air pollution are equally as effective on coronavirus.

The key to managing the risk is ventilation.  Not the ‘open-the-window-for-a-bit’ type of ventilation, but a balance between introducing external air - to reduce indoor pollutants including virus, and purification - to remove outdoor pollutants, indoor risks when ventilation is reduced, and reduce heating costs.

We show you how to bring people back into your workplace, school, restaurant, or any commercial space so that it's safer for everyone, more productive and environmentally friendly, and reduce costs.

Talk to us now about getting the balance right.

Experts in commercial ventilation & Covid solutions. Solutions can often be leased for less than the equivalent heating savings.

COVID-19 Risk Calculator

Thanks to work from the University of Colorado we have developed a calculator for estimating the relative risk of catching airborne COVID-19 within your specific premises.  We use this to create a tailored ventilation policy to make the air cleaner, reduce COVID-19 risk and improve overall health, all for less than the cost of just opening the windows.

Our report will quantify the before and after risks.  We will show you how to protect those you’re responsible for, safely bring more people back to work, allow more customers into your business and, crucially, improve profits.

Don’t wait for official advice to catch up.  For an outline chat and a bespoke risk assessment,
get in touch.  If sending an email, type ‘COVID Risk Assessment’ into the message box and we’ll get back to you.


Let Us Help

Plain Air researches and delivers advanced air purification solutions.
Official Air Quality Testers to